News @ FDDI

Keynote lecture by Dr. Madhusudan Pal, Director - CoE, FDDI at RIT - Chennai

On 11th May 2024, Dr. Madhusudan Pal, Scientist -G & Director, CoE, FDDI delivered keynote lecture at Rajalakshmi Institute of Technology (RIT) Chennai, Tamil Nadu. The topic of the lecture was ‘Application of Technology and Sciences –Physiology, Ergonomics and Biomechanics in Product Design special reference to Footwear Design’.

Addressing the audience, Dr. Pal delved into the vital role of technology and science in footwear research and development.

He emphasized how tools like 3D motion analysis systems, force platforms, and electromyographs are integral for analyzing human movement and biomechanics. Ergonomists leverage these advancements to optimize product design, applying principles from biomechanics, which study the mechanical aspects of living organisms' movement and structure, as well as physiology, which examines normal organism functions.

Dr. Pal underscored the significance of ergonomics in enhancing health, safety, and productivity by reducing strain, preventing injuries, and improving overall well-being. This interdisciplinary approach informs the design of footwear tailored to specific needs across various occupations and environments, considering factors such as foot anatomy, gait, weight distribution, and terrain.