News @ FDDI

Keynote lecture by Dr. Madhusudan Pal, Director - CoE, FDDI at Uttar Pradesh Institute of Design, Noida

During the Intellectual Property Day celebration at Uttar Pradesh Institute of Design, Noida, Dr. Madhusudan Pal, Scientist -G & Director, CoE, FDDI delivered keynote lecture on the topic ‘Physiological and Ergonomics Approaches: Product Design & Development: Special Reference to Footwear’ on 25th April 2024.

Uttar Pradesh Institute of Design offers Degree courses with UG and PG programs such as M.Des, MBA/PGDM, B.Des in different streams including Design, Business & Management Studies.

Addressing the audience, Mr. Pal said, “An ergonomic approach to footwear involves understanding the diverse needs of individuals a tailoring solution to meet these needs of individual’s unique physiological and biomechanical characteristics irrespective of varying occupation and terrain.”

In his lecture, Dr. Pal explained ergonomists apply biomechanics and physiology principles to optimize product design for human use. Biomechanics studies mechanical principles of living organisms' movement and structure, while physiology examines normal functions of organisms. He highlighted ergonomics' importance in enhancing health, safety and productivity by reducing strain, preventing injuries and improving wellbeing. Its applications span product design, including footwear tailored to needs across occupations and environments through factors like foot anatomy, gait, weight distribution and terrain. Dr. Pal also covered Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) that protect intellectual creations, detailing the protection process involving applications, criteria and examinations.

The forum, which was attended by doyens of the industry, underscored that the startup ecosystem is not just about creating profitable businesses but, also about driving societal progress and innovation.