On 24th April, 2023, a ‘Firefighting Training & Fire Mock Drill’ was held at FDDI, Hyderabad campus with the objective of inculcating a culture of preparedness and generate awareness.
Fire mock drill was conducted by Md. Younus, Mr. C Lingam, Mr. L F A Amrender and Mr. K Buggaish, Fire Safety Officers from Madhapur, Hyderabad.
They explained about fire hydrant systems, its function, property, operation etc., through live demonstration. They also imparted critical inputs of do’s & don’ts in the case of fire with reference to building as well as vehicles and also explained about the types of fire and the role of ‘Emergency Response Team’ (ERT) and said that the roles and responsibilities of every officer involved in the ERT must be clear.
All the employees, students, security and housekeeping members of the institute participated in the drill with great enthusiasm.