A day long seminar & workshop on ‘Official Language Hindi’ was held at FDDI, Jodhpur campus on 29th December 2023, in which all the officers and employees participated enthusiastically.
The main objective of this seminar was to increase the progressive use of Hindi in daily work.
Mr. Amit Kumar Chaudhary, Secretary, Town Official Language Implementation Committee (TOLIC), Jodhpur Office was the special guest for the occasion. In his address, he gave guidance on the importance of Hindi language and said to achieve the set goals given by the Department of Official Language, Ministry of Home Affairs by maximum use of Hindi..
Mr. Anil Kumar, AFHQCS, Executive Director (ED), FDDI, Jodhpur campus, encouraged all the officers and employees of FDDI to work in Hindi language and emphasized on the efforts to organize various competitions to promote Hindi language from time to time. He appealed to all the employees to do their daily work in Hindi.