FDDI, Chennai campus participated in the TECHEXPO, which was organized on ‘One Week One Lab’ celebrations of CLRI at Chennai from 02nd to 06th May 2023 under the theme ‘Celebrating Leather’.
‘One Week One Lab’, a theme-based campaign of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research–Central Leather Research Institute (CSIR–CLRI) was celebrated to ignite the minds of young innovators, students, start-ups, academia and industry to look for opportunities through deep tech ventures.
As a synergy partner of CSIR-CLRI, FDDI participated in the celebration and put up a stall that highlighted FDDI’s success stories, the training programmes offered by the institute, the leather products designed & developed by it as well as the students projects & portfolios.
Mr. R. Selvam, IAS, Executive Director (ED), Council for Leather Exports (CLE), Dr. K J Sreeram, Director, CLRI, Chennai and Mr. Md Sadiq, Chief Scientist, Head, Design & Fashion Studio, CSIR-CLRI, Dr. Deepak Siwach, IPS, Deputy Commissioner of Police - Greater Chennai, Scientist and Staffs/Students of CLRI visited the stall of FDDI.
Mr. K Dinesh Kumar, Center In charge, Mr. Vishva Kumar, Senior Faculty FDP, Ms. Shabrin Farhana, Senior Faculty & HoD-FD & Ms. Sairani Senior Faculty, FDP representing FDDI highlighted the opportunities for education in footwear, leather and fashion to the aspiring students and public.