Tenders @ FDDI

DATED: 30/12/2024

Notice for inviting quotations

FDDI, Noida invites eligible suppliers for submission of sealed quotation of CRM chemicals, Quotation format along with item specification is attached. The quotation format can also be obtained from the undersigned during working hours: the format can be downloaded from FDDI website for 11:00 hrs. on 31/12/24 & submit within week i.e. 07/01/2025,its urgent requirement. For any clarification on kindly contact the under signed during working hrs.

Manager ( Stores):

Footwear Design & Development Institute (FDDI)
Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Govt. of India.
A-10/A, Sector-24, NOIDA-201301, Distt.GautamBudh Nagar (UP)
E-Mail: contact@fddiindia.com
Website: www.fddiindia.com